Legal Informatics with AWS CloudSearch – Slides for tonight’s AWS Michigan meetup
Tonight, Eric and I will be presenting back-to-back talks at the AWS Michigan meetup (hosted by the Tech Brewery this time).
Wordcloud of the Healthcare/ACA (NFIB v. Sebelius) Opinion
Here's a wordcloud of the NFIB et al. v. Sebelius et al. opinion. Very interesting coalitions formation. Healthcare/ACA wordcloud
Wordcloud of the Arizona et al. v. United States opinion
Here's one purely for fun - a wordcloud built from the Supreme Court's opinion on Arizona et al. v United States. Word
“Google” for subpoenaed emails: AWS CloudSearch for eDiscovery
In the last post on AWS CloudSearch, I provided a tutorial on the creation of a simple CloudSearch domain for
Building an AWS CloudSearch domain for the Supreme Court
It should be pretty clear by now that two things I'm very interested in are cloud computing and legal
Visualization of Reading Level Frequency by Congressional Bill Stage
Here's a fun example of how you might use my data on Congressional bill length and complexity. Imagine you
Updates to data and statistics on Congressional bill complexity
When I put together my original post on the length and complexity of Congressional bills, I was hoping to
Two new papers on SSRN: Measuring EU integration through sovereign debt & Exploring relationships between headnotes in the Supreme Court
What do you do with that unfinished paper? You know, the one that's 50% there but you don't have the time to finish. Or maybe it's
Now in print: An Empirical Survey of the Population of U.S. Tax Court Written Decisions
When someone brings up the empirical study of legal citation, most people think of the work Landes & Posner and Epstein & Martin. If you're really cool,
Building a better legal search engine, part 1: Searching the U.S. Code
As I mentioned last week, I'm excited to give a keynote in two weeks on Law and Computation at the University of Houston Law Center alongside
Upcoming post series: Building a better legal search engine
Later this month, I'll be giving a keynote at a meeting on Law and Computation at the University of Houston. As part of the talk,
Deaths per TWh (terawatt-hour) by Energy Type
The chart says it all, with nuclear winning by two orders of magnitude (via ManyEyes).
#anon member outs himself through Facebook App ID
Oops. Looks like the #anon member in charge of developing the BoA leak site may have outed himself through the Facebook App ID. Pull