Git Repository for Congressional Bill Statistics
After a nice twitter conversation this morning, I finally got the impetus to release the source for my Congressional Bill Statistics
Connecting R to an Oracle database with RJDBC
In many circumstances, you might want to connect R directly to a database to store and retrieve data. If the source database
Retrieving the VIX term structure in R
Much of my time lately has gone into analyzing and trading products in the volatility complex. As a result, I regularly
Grexit stage left: visualizing the online discussion around Greece’s possible Euro exit
While Tsipras and his Syriza coalition have been busy in Greek parliament, the Internet has been a-buzz with speculation
Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) in the Cloud: Hosting Architectures, Part I – Single Node
As I mentioned on Monday, I'll be starting a series of posts on Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) in the
Upcoming Series: Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) in the Cloud
I wanted to update readers to let them know of an upcoming post series on Oracle Transportation Management (OTM)
Visualizing the #nonato Twitter hashtag – time series and top users
The NATO summit is currently being held in Chicago, and, as is typical for NATO or G# summits, the
Blogging for myself, not you.
In between writing the wrong year on documents, I've been reflecting on this blog. Specifically, I've wondered whether the frequency and content of the
Building Legal Language Explorer: Interactivity and drill-down, noSQL and SQL
Dan and I recently released a new legal informatics project with a few colleagues. The project, which we've named the Legal Language Explorer, provides an
21st Century Legal Informatics: Part 1, Introduction
Dan and I have written and spoken on legal informatics many times. Inevitably these conversations come to the same cut-and-paste list of informatics examples
Single HTML File of the Michigan Compiled Law (MCL)
Last night, I posted a copy of the Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) as an improved and structured XML document. As an example of what can
XML Copy of the Michigan Compiled Law (MCL)
A few weeks ago, Ari Hershowitz posted on Quroa calling for a Californa code hackathon. Since Ari was drumming up support for software developers to build
Building igraph’s Python bindings with plotting support on Ubuntu
igraph is my preferred library for graph manipulation. The core library is written in C and is easy to extend, there are bindings to Python